How Acupuncture Supports Women's Health
More women are turning to Chinese medicine to experience healing and symptomatic relief in multiple facets of life. Traditional Chinese medicine, including Acupuncture and Qigong, holds the ability to assist women in living more balanced and empowered lives. Below are several key ways that Acupuncture and Qigong work to help women achieve just that.
Depression and Anxiety
Breast Health
It is said according to Chinese medicine that the liver is the organ responsible for the menstrual cycle flow on an energetic level. This organ assists us in the processing of anger, frustration, stress and any other pent up emotion. When the liver energy is in balance, a woman’s menstrual cycle should be regular and effective with minimal negative physical symptoms (back pain, headache, breast swelling or pain, heavy flow, mood swings, clotting, etc.). These adverse symptoms are a sign of Liver Meridian Function Disorder.
Traditional hormonal treatments can contribute to liver stagnation and energy imbalance. Acupuncture and Qigong are both tools that can help to address liver imbalances as well as alleviate symptoms of menstruation.
Acupuncture treatments and qigong help to direct blood flow to a woman’s reproductive organs and increasing liver energy, thus regulating menstrual cycles and potentially aiding in female fertility.
Creating balance and harmony within the body is important during pregnancy, supporting both mother and child. Qigong can be used during pregnancy to offer self-healing and promote positive energy during the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum stages. It is not always recommended that women use acupuncture during pregnancy but it is considered to be safe during pre-pregnancy and the postpartum phase and can be beneficial in helping women rebuild their Qi and blood supply as well as increase milk supply.
In Chinese culture, the period of menopause is considered to be an energetic transition into a new level of aliveness. Before menopause, the energy within a woman has a significant focus on the creativity of the uterus as well as raising children. Once the phase of menopause has passed, the energy is shifted and new possibilities are opened for her life, known as a “second Spring.” This can only take place, however, if adequate levels of harmony and balance are present. Regardless of a woman’s age, balance and harmony can be re-established with acupuncture and Qigong.
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